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Mehmet Akif ACAR

Hypsibius Exemplaris

Translator: Mehmet Akif Acar (15 Years old)

Writer: Salih Doygun (11 Years old)

- Hello friends, Welcome to the program of the bests in the world. Today’s record is the verified oldest person. The world's oldest recorded person lived for 122 years.

- Puhohahoha!..

- What happened bro? Why are you laughing? Also, why do you laugh like puhohahoha?

- Pardon me, presenter kid, it is so funny that I confused how to laugh.

- It is not funny! Also, who are you?

- Horsefeathers to you son, don’t you see me?

- No. I mean yes, I don’t see.

- Maybe because I am a half-millimeter tall.

- What!? I was talking to a creature that was a half-millimeter tall. I guess I am going to faint.

- No no! I am not a creature. I am just a “Hypsibiusexemplaris”.

- What, what?

- Hypsibius exemplaris. It is a really Memorable name, right? I am a tardigrade species.

- What?

- Tardigrade.

- Alright, so why were you laughing from the very beginning?

- The long-lived guy of yours, that lived for a hundred years...

- Yes.

- We tardigrades will crush him.

- One min... You don’t say! I searched Google now, and there are even those of you who have three months of life.

- That's right but we can revolt after 30 years of hibernation like dead called TUN. If I “TUN” three times in my three-months life my lifespan will extend 90 years. And if I sleep 4 times, we reached. Also, I am calculating over 30 years. Otherwise, we can sleep more.

- Duh.

- Didn’t you believe it?

- Tsk...

- Look, 3000 tardigrades were left to the space, ok? They continued their normal life after returning to Earth. A tardigrade was found in the poles. She was in the TUN sleep for 30 years. When she revolted, she didn’t say “I am too sleepy, five more minutes...” She laid nine-teen eggs in thirty days.

- Really?

- For sure, tardigrades can withstand 150 °C heat, negative 272 °C cold, high radiation, lack of oxygen, gamma ray explosions, and nova explosions.

- I think you are making up all this stuff.

- Never! Around 1000 tardigrades were sent to space by “BERESHEET” which was designed by three engineers, the tardigrades didn’t die. Even the animal that is going to be sent to Alpha Centauri in the Breakthrough Starshotproject is being planned to be a tardigrade.

- Why?

- Because you people can’t stand %20 of lightspeed.

- Dear viewers, from last-minute information, the oldest recorded person lived for 122 years but there are animals that live even longer. Water bears, namely tardigrades, they live short, but they are very durable. We can even say that they are the world's most durable living thing.

- That’s better. He he he...




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